Celebration of COVENANT OF MARRIAGE Peter and Bruce Gathering PROCESSION ……………Arirang……………… GREETING STATEMENT OF PURPOSE QUESTION OF IMPEDIMENT DECLARATION OF INTENT Word PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION SCRIPTURE READING……….1 Corinthians 13……Hannah Lee SPECIAL MESSAGE Act of Covenanting EXCHANGE OF VOWS EXCHANGE OF RINGS – SYMBOL OF LOVE BLENDING OF THE SANDS KISS BLESSING OF THE COUPLE Sending Forth SIGNING OF DOCUMENTS Special Music: Love is Love……composed and sung by Athena Reich DECLARATION & PRESENTATION OF THE COUPLE COMMISSIONING & BLESSING MC ANNOUNCEMENT RECESSIONAL………Gamelan Music?…………Adam Reich Celebration of COVENANT OF MARRIAGE Peter and Bruce Gathering PROCESSION GREETING We are gathered here today in the presence of God, as friends and families to witness the marriage of Peter and Bruce and to ask God to bless them. Let us join in the celebration of new life in marriage May God’s grace, love and communion be with you all. Amen. Please be seated. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Dear friends, The covenanting of two people to a life together is a time to celebrate with good wishes, feasting and joy. Historically, the United Church of Canada has been committed to justice and to including all people. The way we read scripture and the authority we give it, as well as our understanding of marriage as a communion between partners informs our position on same-sex unions. In 2003, the same-sex marriage was legalized in the province of ontario and officially recognized by the United Church of Canada. In 2005, Canada became the 4th country to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide. Today, Peter and Bruce come before their friends and families to make their promises before God. We have come together in the presence of God to witness the marriage of Peter and Bruce, to surround them with our everlasting love, and to share in their joy. QUESTION OF IMPEDIMENT Peter and Bruce have you come here freely and without reservation to join together lawfully in marriage? I have These two persons are here to become one in a holy union of mind and heart, body and soul. But if any of you know reasons why they may not do so, please voice them now. Peter and Bruce signified their desire to enter into the holy state of marriage, and no one here has shown just cause why they may not. So let us enter into the celebration of marriage confident that that this couple may fulfill God’s purpose of peace on earth for the whole of their lives. DECLARATION OF INTENT Peter/Bruce, will you be Bruce’s/Peter’s partner for life? I will Will you stand by him no matter what happens; will you respect him, seek to understand his needs, and welcome his love all the days of your life? I will PROMISES AND BLESSINGS BY COMMUNITY Will everyone please stand as you are able. As Peter and Bruce join their lives in marriage, they also bring you together in a new relationship, creating new bonds of trust and ties of affection. Will you honour the vows of commitment Peter and Bruce today? If so, please show them your support by saying "We will." We will. Will all of you give them your love, your blessing, and your support to preserve this marriage? If so, please show them your support by saying "We will." We will. Please be seated. Word PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION SCRIPTURE READING SPECIAL MESSAGE Act of Covenanting EXCHANGE OF VOWS [Peter] In the presence of families and friends, / I, Peter, / take you, Bruce, - to be my husband, - knowing in my heart - that you will continue to be my best friend, - my partner in life / … and my one true love. \ On this special day, / I give to you my promise / to stay by your side as your husband,/ in sickness and in health, / in joy and in sorrow, / as well as through the good times and the bad. / I promise to love you without reservation, / to honour and respect you, / to provide for your needs the best that I can, / to protect you from harm, / to comfort you in times of distress, / to grow with you in mind and spirit, / to comfort and support you each and every day, / to laugh with you and cry with you, / to always be open and honest with you, / and to cherish you …for as long as we both shall live.\ [Bruce, in Korean] 나 박**은 피터를 나의 진심을 다해 사랑하며, 같은방향으로 함께가는 내 인생의 친구로, 내 인생의 가장 소중한 사람, 나의 배우자로 맞이하겠습니다. 오늘 이 특별한 자리에서 유태인의 전통에서 자라온 피터의 성장배경을 존중하며 자랑스런 마음으로, 야마카( Yamulka ) 를 머리에 썼습니다. 나 박**은 슬플때나 즐거운때, 아프거나 건강할때 ,어려움에 처했거나 좋은때도 끊임없는 사랑으로 피터와 늘 함께할것임을 여러분앞에 약속드리며 피터에게 가장 편안한 친구이자 사랑하는 배우자가될것이며, 함께 울고, 함께 웃으며 힘들때 편하게 쉴수있는 마음의 호수가 되어줄것이며 나의 생각을 솔직하게 이야기하고, 우리의 생각이 다르다고 해도 존중하며 대화하는 사람이 될것이며 우리함께 사는동안 내 가슴깊은곳에 늘 피터를 간직하고 사랑하며 살아갈것을 약속드립니다. I love you, Peter. EXCHANGE OF RINGS – SYMBOL OF LOVE The ring is a symbol of covenant love. It has no beginning and no end, but is ever encircling,/ sign of unending self-giving love. As you give these rings to each other, our prayer is that your love will be the same, pure and eternal. May God bless these rings. symbols of your marriage. Let us pray, Bless, O God, the giving of these rings, that those who wear them may know both the presence and power of your love and the unending love of one another. Amen. Peter/Bruce take this ring and place it upon Bruce/Peter finger and say to him.. I give you this ring, …as a symbol of our marriage, for today and tomorrow, and for all the days to come. Wear it as a sign of what we have promised and done this day. 이반지는 내가슴안의 사랑의 상징입니다. 피터와의 작은 사랑이 시작된이후로, 감당할수없을 만큼 크게 불어난 사랑이 이제는 우리를 병풍처럼 둘러싸고 있습니다. 이반지를 서로 주고받는것으로, 우리는 서로를 진심으로 동등하게 사랑하고 존중한다는것을 대신합니다. BLENDING OF THE SANDS The couple may approach the table and, taking the two sand-filled vases, pour it into the centre container. Peter and Bruce, you are here today to unite your lives in loving commitment. You have come from separate backgrounds, with your own unique personalities, strengths, and needs. The two colours of sand represent your separate lives. Together you blend the sand as a sign of unity and commitment. Our hope is that you will show human love at its fullest, and that your relationship will equip both of you to bring love and compassion to each other and the world. Just as these grains of sand can never be separated and poured again into the individual containers, so will your marriage and your family be. KISS Bruce and Peter, you may seal your vows with a kiss. The couple may seal their vows with a kiss. BLESSING OF THE COUPLE May the grace of God attend you, the love, surround you, and the power and wisdom, keep you. Sending Forth SIGNING OF DOCUMENTS PRESENTATION OF THE COUPLE In the presence of God and before all of us here, Peter and Bruce have made solemn vows of love and faithfulness. They have sealed their covenant with the giving of rings, the signing of legal d0cuments and a kiss. Therefore I declare them to be united in marriage. It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you.... Our newly wed couple, married under the laws of Canada and recognized by the church and all of us here: Peter and Bruce COMMISSIONING AND BLESSING Go now in peace and love, and may God's grace be with this new family and all of you, now and forever more. Amen MC ANNOUNCEMENT RECESSIONAL
The couple individually respond
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