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[Divorce] Family law information

by 샘터0 2017. 12. 29.

****참고로  이 한국어 글은 토론토한국일보 게시판에서 어느분의 댓글중에 도움되는 글 같아서 이곳에 퍼왔습니다*******


영어가 되시는 분들은 이혼수속시 각 법원에서 무료로 제공하는 이혼서류 도움서비스를 통해 법원에서 상주하는 법률전문가들로부터 이혼서류 작성 및 제출의 무료서비스를 친절하게 받을 수 있으니 참고하시고, 저 역시 이런 서비스를 통해 100% 깔끔하게 합의이혼을 오래전에 했었습니다. 이밖에 온라인상에서 Online Divorce Canada 또는 각 주별 법무부(Ministry of the Attorney General)의 Divorce and Separation을 접속하시면 이혼서류 양식들을 다운로드받아 작성 완료후 제출하시면 변호사 도움없이도 가능하니까 참고하시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다. [ RockyBear ( pkc09**@yahoo.com )Apr, 15/2021  03:25 PM ]






Family Law involves all legal issues that can be dealt with in a family court, including:

General information

  • What you should know about Family Law (available in 9 languages)
    The booklet contains information about the laws that may affect you if you separate. Includes the care and support of your children, support for you or your spouse, and division of property
  • Family Law Information Centres (FLICs)
    An area in each family courthouse where you can receive free information about divorce, separation and related family law issues (child custody, access, support, property division and child protection) and referrals to community resources. Each FLIC has a variety of publications available addressing these issues, as well as guides to court procedures. Staff and Advice Lawyers are also available at designated hours
  • Family Law Resources in ontario (Community Legal Education ontario)
    This booklet contains a directory of legal resources, information and referral sources.
  • Resource List
    Extensive list of books and websites for adults and children covering separation and divorce, parenting, emotional and financial issues. Includes age appropriate reading suggestions and interactive websites.
  • Your Legal Rights (Community Legal Education ontario)
    A website with practical, easy to find legal information on a variety of topics.
  • Family Law Information Program (Legal Aid ontario)
    Legal and practical information on family law topics in an easy to follow format.
  • Aboriginal Family Law Information Program
    These resources for Aboriginal families provide information about the family justice system, including the social and legal issues surrounding family breakdown such as parenting arrangements, support enforcement, and alternative dispute resolution.

About Courts

Legislation and forms