FORT WORTH, TX – South Korea rules. At least Saturday in Fort Worth, where Yekwon Sunwoo, 28, a Curtis and Juilliard grad now studying in Germany, was awarded the coveted Gold Medal of the 15th Van Cliburn International Piano Competition.
The victory — which rewards performance in all stages of the contest, not just the big final concerto — can only enhance the already formidable reputation of this nation as a mother lode of musical excellence.
“From a young age they really become attached to music,” Sunwoo said of his compatriots at a press conference after the awards ceremony in Bass Performance Hall.
“They have a good education. They work hard. The teachers in Korea now have studied abroad
이 기사는 같은빌딩에사는 피아니스트 패트리샤가 나에게 보내준내용이다. 패트리샤가 이 콘테스트방송을 들으면서 한국인 피아니스트가 굉장하다고 우승할것같다고 피터한테 이야기를 했다는걸 들었는데....역시 한국인의 재능이 세계에 알려지는 시대가 온듯하다.