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The top 12 bike paths in Toronto

by 샘터0 2018. 5. 6.


Toronto bike paths offer a way of travelling through the city that's both scenic and efficient. Removed from traffic, you can let loose and focus on the ride rather than dodging TTC streetcar tracks and turning cars. Our bike paths take us along the water, through ravines, and along old railway beds. They're a great way to see the city.

Here are my picks for the top bike paths in Toronto.

Lower Don Recreation Trail

Running between the waterfront and ET Seton Park, the Don trail system is one the best ways to enjoy nature without leaving the city. There are numerous entry points to this pathway, with the mains ones at Cherry St. and Lakeshore Blvd., Riverdale Park (look for the bridge), and Pottery Road.

Bayview Multi-Use Trail

This new alternative to the Lower Don trail is helpful given ongoing construction issues near the Riverdale Bridge. The separated path leads from Pottery Road past the Brick Works to Rosedale Valley Road. Note well: if you continue south, you have to hit the road.

Martin Goodman Trail

Part of the more extensive Waterfront Trail, the Martin Goodman Trail runs mostly uninterrupted from around Park Lawn Avenue in the west all the way to the R.C. Harris Filtration plant near Queen St. and Victoria Park. At times it runs immediately beside the lake, making it perfect for hot summer days.

Humber Valley Trail System

Exceeding the Don system in length, with only a few detours onto surface routes, you can take the paths along the Humber all the way from the lake to the top of the city. The paving is a little rough in places, but this a tranquil place to explore for hours on end. 

Taylor Creek Park

Some think the Taylor Creek trail part of the Lower Don because many cyclists hit both trails in a given ride, but they're separate paths. Starting from the meeting place of the Lower Don and ET Seton trails (Don Mills just north of O'Conner Dr.) this pathway heads southeast to Victoria Park. 

Leslie Street Spit (Tommy Thompson Park)

Tommy Thompson Park is my favourite place to ride on a blistering hot day. The further you get out into the lake, the cooler it gets. Along with the breeze off the water, here you'll enjoy the scenic landscape and the wildlife that's reclaimed the Leslie Street Spit. Technically you're only allowed to ride on weekends.

Kay Gardner Beltline Park

Originally a commuter railway built to service what were then suburbs like Moore Park, the Beltline was officially converted into a recreational path in 1999. It's not super long, but it's still a great way to cut across the city in relative seclusion. Main Access points are found at Merton and Yonge, Oriole Park, and Bathurst just south of Roselawn.

Moore Park Ravine

A short all-downhill trail (if you start at the north end), the Moore Park Ravine is a pretty little dirt path that takes riders to the Brick Works or allows them to loop around and climb out of the ravine at David A. Balfour park.

E. T. Seton Park

This route alternates between low-traffic park roads and dedicated bike pathways linking the Lower Don with Sunnybrook Park. There are many break-off trails for leisure riders (towards Edwards Gardens) and mountain bikers (on the west side of the river). 

Morningside Park / Colonel Danforth Park

For those in Scarborough, there's a great set of paved paths that bisect U of T's campus while heading from Kingston Road to the Bluffs (and vice versa). on the east end, you can even hook up with a trail that'll take you to Pickering.

Finch Hydro Corridor

The first phase was completed back in 2015, so this relatively new multi-use trail is still smooth as silk. It's almost always quiet, and you can really kick up the speed if that's what you're into. Alternately, you can just enjoy the mix of nature and hydro towers on display. 

West Toronto Railpath

Eventually this path will be extended well beyond its current length of 2.1 kilometres, but even as it is now it's a great way to cut through the Junction Triangle down to Dundas and Sterling.

Lead photo by andyscamera