올 6월 난민 개정법 통과
Refugee Reform Laws Pass
2012년 6월28일 캐나다 난민 개정법이 의회에서 통과되었습니다. 이 개정안은 2010년 난민 개정시행을 바탕으로 만들어졌습니다.
적법한 난민신청자들에 대한 공청회가 이민과 난민 위원회에서 계속 열리는 가운데 이번개정안의 주요 개선 내용은 빠른 난민 적법 심사에 두었습니다.
신 해당 출신국 정책(new Designated Country of Origin_DCO)에 의거하여 보다 빠른 난민심사 결과를 판단하게 되었습니다.
DCO(해당 출신국 정책)에는 보통 난민을 발생시키지 않는 나라의 리스트들로 되어있습니다. 위의 리스트에 해당하는 국가에서 온 난민 신청자들은 워크퍼밋 신청과 항소에 제한을받게 되며 빠른 시간 안에 적법 판정을 받게 됩니다.
-캐나다 이민성 제공
On June 28, 2012, new legislation that brings further reforms to Canada’s refugee determination system was passed. These changes build on reforms that were passed in June 2010 as part of the Balanced Refugee Reform Act.
While every eligible refugee claimant will continue to receive a hearing at the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, key to this new system is faster refugee claim decisions. one way this will be accomplished is through the use of the new designated country of origin (DCO) policy.
DCOs are countries that do not normally produce refugees. Claimants from these countries will receive accelerated processing of their claim, will have limited access to appeals and limited access to work permits.
Designated countries of origin

Most Canadians recognize that there are places in the world where it is less likely for a person to be persecuted compared to other areas. Yet many people from these places try to claim asylum in Canada, but are later found not to need protection.
Too much time and too many resources are spent reviewing these unfounded claims.
Designated countries of origin (DCO) will include countries that do not normally produce refugees, but do respect human rights and offer state protection.
The aim of the DCO policy is to deter abuse of the refugee system by people who come from countries generally considered safe. Refugee claimants from DCOs will have their claims processed faster. This will ensure that people in need get protection fast, while those with unfounded claims are sent home quickly through expedited processing.
Hearings on these claims are expected to be held within 30 – 45 days after referral of the claim to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) as opposed to the 60-day timeframe for other refugee claimants. Failed DCO claimants will not have access to the Refugee Appeal Division, and will not be able to apply for a work permit upon arrival in Canada.
Every eligible refugee claimant, including those from a designated country of origin, will continue to receive a hearing at the IRB.
The following countries have been designated:
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